Course: Design Priorities
Partner: Tobias Reinhart, Dominik Vassilakopoulos

In the Ident course, our second project was about the so-called „design sprint“, using the digital products we had previously used and studied as a starting point. From these products, our team chose Zattoo. Two intensive weeks followed, during which this project came into being. The resulting prototype can be seen in the video above. The new Zattoo should be characterised by a more intuitive, friendly user interface and easy-to-use features.
After first defining goals, sprint questions and guiding questions, we designed a flow chart showing the user flow of our protapersonas. Based on the flowchart, we thought about how we could implement certain goals and collected them as so-called „How Might We“ Questions. Afterwards, each of us chose two of our favourites. On this basis, the first sketches were created, which were then further developed and subsequently implemented.

Towards the end, we came up with a few theses that needed to be tested with our prototype. One of them was the question of whether users accept onboarding if it invites them in a friendly way. We tried to achieve this with illustrations and nice texts. This thesis was also proven during the testing.
Add favourites
In the previous Zattoo, the favourites function was one of the weak points that we wanted to improve. In the old Zattoo, this function is very hidden and only accessible with several clicks. We, on the other hand, were looking for a simple solution that is easy to understand and can be reached with just one click. In our thesis, we then wanted to check whether a favourites function is used at all, and indeed the testings also proved this thesis.